ALBOAN::Asylum detention under the European Convention on Human Rights. (
Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría
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portada Asylum detention under the European Convention on Human Rights.
pdf 4-IDH-102.pdf (1.0 MB)
Asylum detention under the European Convention on Human Rights. Ruiz Ramos, Juan Bilbao: Deusto, 2023
Deskribapen fisikoa:110 pp.
Serie E:Cuadernos de Deusto
Kokapena: Bilbao: ale bat(eskuragarri)

The detention of migrants who have not committed a crime is one of the most disturbing contemporary practices from the point of view of human rights (Costello 2015). Administrative detention of asylum-seekers poses an additional problem: it causes an independent deterioration of the mental health of people who are (potentially) already highly traumatised (Filges et al. 2015). The intention of this book is to systematise in a comprehensive manner the obligations that States owe to detained asylum-seekers under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).