ALBOAN::Gujerat (
Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría


38 erregistro Orria 1 de 4
portada In touch with the Divine...[DVDak] Gurjarvani (2008)
portada Santosh Kumar Das: The Gujarat Series: An Introduction [Agiriak] Visweswaran, Kamala; Singh, Mani Shekhar (2006)
portada Stories for moral and social education. Book five[Liburuak] Corral, José Antonio (2010)
portada Development and Deprivation in Gujerat[Liburuak] Sha, Ghanshyam; Rutten, Mario; Streefkerk,Hein (2002)
portada Tu vida en India[Material Didaktikoa] (2013)
portada Zure bizitza Indian[Material Didaktikoa] (2013)
portada Participation: the key to development. Four experiences of citizen participation[Liburuak] Alboan; Entreculturas (129 pp.)
portada Los colores del Sur; La vida en el desierto de Thar[DVDak] (2000)
portada Women's Empowerment in Gujarat. Savings / Credit Cooperatives.[Liburuak] Canis, Jacinta; Arockiasamy, Robert; Dabhi, Jimmy C. (2012)
portada Broken twigs and paper boats (the world of the Indian child)[DVDak] (1995)