Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría


488 erregistro Orria 29 de 49
portada Mi gran boda griega[DVDak] Zwick, Edward (2001)
portada An education[DVDak] Scherfig, Lone (2009)
portada Pequeña Miss Sunshine[DVDak] Dayton, Jonathan; Faris, Valerie (2006)
portada Precious[DVDak] Daniels, Lee (2009)
portada Un lugar llamado milagro[DVDak] Redford, Robert (1988)
portada Enacting participatory development. Theatre-based techniques[Liburuak] McCartthy, Julie (2004)
portada Micro-credit: impact, targeting and sustainability[Liburuak] Sinha, Saurabh (1998)
portada What is the International Monetary Fund?: a guide to the IMF[Agiriak] (2001)
portada Resisting the status quo: transforming society[Liburuak] Pinto, Ambrose (2000)
portada Behind the scenes at the WTO: the real world of international trade negotiations[Liburuak] Jawara, Fatoumata; Kwa, Aileen (2003)