ALBOAN::Yes we can. A book of values & life skills. 6. (
Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría
portada Yes we can. A book of values & life skills. 6.
Yes we can. A book of values & life skills. 6. Sagar, Ratna New Delhi: Ratna Sagar, 2008
Deskribapen fisikoa:72pp.
Gaikako Deskriptoreak:Bake Heziketa, Hiritar Heziketa, Balioak, Bake Heziketa, Elkartasun Heziketa
Deskriptore geografikoak:India
Kokapena: Bilbao: ale bat(eskuragarri)

Yes, We Can! is a series of eight books (Classes 1 to 8) with a difference. The books do not moralize or preach. They focus on situational and experimental learning through inspiring stories, interesting anecdotes, thought-provoking activities, creative projects, self-assessment tasks, and real-life examples. The think-do-and-learn approach of the series will help students to imbibe values, acquire life skills and become well-rounded individuals.