ALBOAN::Governance of minerals and natural resources. Mining, oil, forest and land. (
Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría
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portada Governance of minerals and natural resources. Mining, oil, forest and land.
Governance of minerals and natural resources. Mining, oil, forest and land. Minani Bihuzo, Rigobert; Muhigirwa Rusembuka; Ferdinand Nairobi: Paulines Publications, 2014
Descripción física:112 pp.
Localización: Bilbao: un ejemplar(disponible)

This book is a summary of four papers presented at a seminar on Governance of Natural Resources in Africa. It aims at sharing the thougts of the participants with those who want to promote good governance of natural resources. It is about governance of minerals, concerning management, social justice, human rights climate change and economic profitability.

It is no exaggeration to say that the governance of mining and natural resources is an “existential” challenge in Africa today. Indeed the assessment of 50 years of independence, celebrated by more and more African countries, highligts the progress as well as the challenges for the future of the continent.