Centro social Ignacio Ellacuría


483 registros Página 34 de 49
portada The mission[DVD] (2006)
portada Guía de la Solidaridad[Libro] Felipe, Ana; Rodríguez, Lilo (1995)
portada Outcomes and Impact: Evaluating Change in Social Development[Libro] Oakley, Peter; Pratt, Brian; Clayton, Andrew (1998)
portada Measuring the Process. Guidelines for Evaluating Social Development[Libro] Marsden, David; Oakley, Peter; Pratt, Brian (1994)
portada Beautiful girls[DVD] Demme, Tom (2008)
portada Contra viento y marea[Web] (2008)
portada La calumnia[DVD] Wyler, William (1961)
portada Johnny cogió su fusil[DVD] Trumbo, Dalton (1971)
portada Human rights under siege: public security and criminal justice in Mexico[Libro] (2008)
portada From the Roots Up. Strengthening organizational capacity. [Técnicas participativas][Libro] Gubbels, Peter; Koss, Catheryng (2000)